
Sex & getting pregnant

This article may help answer:

How often should I be having sex to get pregnant?

When should I have sex if I want to get pregnant?

Should I have sex every day to get pregnant?

Deciding to have a baby is one thing – getting pregnant is the next step. So, when is the right time to have sex? And how often should you do it?

Find out more:

    It might come as a surprise, but there’s a pretty small window each month where you can get pregnant. Having sex in the lead up to, and during, the time that you ovulate is crucial to getting pregnant. 

    Give it your best shot by getting to know when you’re fertile, and tracking when you ovulate using Elevit Ovulation Calendar.

    You can also use Ovulation Test Kits, available at your pharmacy, which help pinpoint the exact days leading up to ovulation.

    While it might not feel sexy to schedule sex, talking to your partner about when you’re going to ovulate is important. This way you can plan around work trips or nights out that might interrupt your opportunity to have sex.

    It might come as a surprise, but there’s a pretty small window each month where you can get pregnant. If you’re busy, make a note in your diaries – you can always use a code word if “HAVE SEX” feels like too much pressure.

    This might be the first time you’ve ever had sex for anything other than fun, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be enjoyable.

    Many couples find that the pressure to conceive can reduce their intimacy. But it doesn’t need to. Have some ground rules to make sure you’re able to enjoy the journey.

    Try the following:

    • Take your time: having sex during the commercial break of your favourite TV show may not set the right mood. Choose a time in the day when you can relax.
    • Have a date night: romance is still important so plan a nice dinner, dress up and light some candles.
    • Don’t force it: if one of you is ill – or has just had a bad day – don’t feel pressure. Yes, the monthly window to get pregnant is small, but you don’t need to have sex every day.

    Don’t panic – you don’t need to have sex every day to be able to get pregnant.

    Sperm can survive up to seven days inside a woman’s body, so it’s possible to get pregnant if you’ve had sex in the days leading up to ovulation.

    Your chances of success are highest if you have sex within a day or so of ovulation so to tip the odds in your favour have sex at least two to three times a week.