Pregnancy checklist
Here’s a simple checklist to guide you through a healthy pregnancy.
1st trimester – weeks 1 to 12
Visit your doctor
As soon as you think you’re pregnant, go and see your doctor. They can confirm you’re pregnant, determine your due date and help you plan your antenatal health care program
Book your antenatal check-ups
You’ll need regular check-ups throughout your pregnancy to make sure everything’s going well. Your first antenatal visit should be between 10 and 16 weeks.
Consider screening tests
From about 11 weeks, you’ll be offered blood tests and ultrasound scans to check on your baby’s development. Your first ultrasound will be between 8 and 12 weeks.
Book the hospital or birth centre
As soon as you know you’re pregnant, discuss your birthing options with your doctor and book the hospital.
Start taking a pregnancy multivitamin every day, if you’re not already
Elevit contains the highest level of folic acid and iron of any pregnancy multivitamin in Australia* and a high level of iodine. Folic acid is clinically proven7 to reduce the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida, iron helps prevent dietary iron deficiency and iodine is an important nutrient for your baby’s brain development.
It’s recommended to take Elevit daily for at least 1 month before you conceive, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. If you don’t breastfeed, it’s recommended to take Elevit right up until birth, and then switch to a multivitamin such as Elevit Women’s Daily Multivitamin.
*As at August 2020.
Manage morning sickness
If you need help managing morning sickness symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, you could try some of these common remedies and consider taking a supplement like Elevit Morning Sickness Relief to help provide relief from nausea and vomiting.
Quit smoking
It’s recommended to quit smoking as soon as you think you’re pregnant, if you haven’t already.
Cut out alcohol
The safest option is to avoid drinking alcohol whilst you’re pregnant and breastfeeding.
Be a healthy eater
Eat a nutritious, well-balanced and varied diet to help keep you and your baby healthy. Learn about the foods to avoid or limit and drink plenty of water.
Cut down on caffeine
Tave less than 200 mg of caffeine a day. That’s the equivalent of about 2 espressos. Don’t forget caffeine’s in chocolate, tea, some soft and energy drinks too.
Exercise regularly
Keep active and try to take 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like walking or swimming, every day.
Check your maternity leave entitlements
Ask your employer about your entitlements to maternity leave.
Claim Government financial benefits
The Government has a number of financial benefits you may be able to claim. Check your eligibility for Paid Parental Leave or the Family Tax Benefit with the Department of Human Services or call Centrelink on 13 61 50.
Sign up for our free week-by-week email guide
We’ll send you an email every week to show you how you and your baby are progressing. Track your pregnancy with our Elevit Journey tool and sign up to our newsletter.
Stop cleaning the cat litter tray
If you have a cat, wear rubber gloves to clean out the litter tray, or ask someone else to do it. If you garden, it’s also a good idea to wear gloves.
2nd trimester – weeks 13 to 26
Book your second trimester screening tests
This will usually be a blood test between 15 and 18 weeks and an ultrasound scan between 18 and 20 weeks to check your baby’s development.
Join a birth group
Share your experiences and get support from other pregnant women due to give birth around the same time as you.
Make a birth plan
Discuss your preferences for labour and delivery with your GP and your partner and write out a birth plan. You can be as detailed as you want – if you’d like to listen to Mozart in the delivery room, make a note!
Book antenatal classes
These helpful classes will explain what to expect during labour, your pain relief choices, pregnancy exercises, and basic childcare such as feeding and settling. It’s also an opportunity to ask questions, discuss your feelings and meet local parents-to-be.
Learn about breastfeeding
Breastfeeding your baby has great health benefits for both of you. If you’re planning to breastfeed, your midwife will give you advice on technique.
Do your pelvic floor exercises
Your pelvic floor muscles can weaken under the strain of pregnancy and birth, causing bladder leakage. These simple exercises will help tighten your muscles up.
Consider childcare
If you plan to go back to work after the baby is born, check out the childcare options in your area. Some of them book up well in advance, so put your name down at your favourites before you give birth.
Go shopping for maternity wear
You’ve probably noticed that your clothes don’t fit properly - it’s time to look for maternity clothes! You’ll also need a maternity bra.
3rd trimester – weeks 27 to birth
Buy or borrow the essential baby equipment
As well as the nursery furniture, you’ll need a pram, baby clothes, nappies and other essential supplies. There are lots of options to buy new or perhaps borrow from friends and relatives with older children.
Buy another maternity bra
Your breasts will have grown from the first maternity bra you bought, so you’ll need a fitting for another one at about 28 weeks.
Get the car baby capsule fitted
Children under 6 months must be secured in an approved, properly fitted rear-facing restraint when they’re in the car. You’ll need it to bring your new baby home from the hospital, so have one fitted sooner rather than later. The current child restraint guidelines are available at the Kidsafe website.
Pack your hospital bag ready
You may need to get to the hospital quickly, so have your hospital bag packed and waiting to go. Remember you need to include supplies for baby too.
Prepare the nursery
Set up the baby’s room so it’s ready when you get home from the hospital.